styled by the zeitgeist

It’s terribly hot out for mid-September today. Please allow me to try and spread this fire that’s burning in my head to anyone that dares give it a boop.

It’s hotter in here (in my head) than it is outside. But it won’t kill you. Come on in, the water’s hot but it feels good. Dip a toe in. Relax.

Recently, I put on a Terence McKenna talk to help put me to sleep (this is the one). In case you’re unfamiliar, Terence McKenna is described on Wikipedia as an “American ethnobotanist and mystic who advocated the responsible use of naturally occurring psychedelic plants”. Terence wrote books such as Food of the Gods and True Hallucinations about his experiences with and his hypotheses regarding psychedelic plants, but I’ve always been particularly drawn to his lectures, interviews, and talks - the dude has a way with words, and his voice is like a voice actor playing some wise alien shaman. His work is parts mystical and scientific, critical and hopeful, but all centered around the experience of being human. If you consider yourself a “seeker” of sorts, Terence is definitely worth checking out.

So clearly, Terence has been on my mind as of late, and given the business of what we do as Bubu Future I’ve been noodling on how the themes that Terence has turned me onto have influenced our mission. One way we are influenced by/carry the vibe of Terence is related to one of my favorite theories of his called “Timewave Zero”. Timewave Zero is a speculative theory that suggests time operates in a non-linear, fractal pattern and that history follows a wave of increasing complexity and novelty. Or as Rust Cohle so eloquently put it: “Time is a flat circle”.

In the YouTube video embedded below, Terence uses the following metaphor to describe how it could be that our experience could simply be an expression of a force we are unable to see/understand due to our limited spectrum of awareness (starts around 2:58)

Let me try out a metaphor on you, which I think makes it much clearer what's going on here. Visualize, for a moment, sand dunes. Notice when you look at these sand dunes in your mind, they look like wind. Sand dunes look like wind in some sense. Then analyze the situation. What is wind? Wind is a pressure-variant phenomenon that fluctuates over time.

In a way, the sand grains moved about by the wind are like a lower-dimensional slice of the wind itself. From photographic analysis of dunes, you can calculate the speed and duration of the wind that made them. The dune is a lower-dimensional slice of the wind ebbing and flowing that made it.

Zoomed out, Timewave Zero could be taken as an argument against Free Will - after all, if our lives are being shaped and molded by forces unseen, what kind of a fight can we be expected put up against the flow of the sands of time?

I think in the big picture, there is little to nothing we can do as insignificant individuals to fight against the tide. However, the battle to be won isn’t the battle against the ocean!

The Bubu Future perspective is that the battle to be won is the one of perspective:

We are like individual drops of water flying through the air as sea foam, part of a wave crashing onto shore.

In the moment we are floating in space.

But isn’t the drop a drop of sea foam? The sea foam of the wave? The wave of the ocean? Etc?


So WTF does this have to do with selling clothes online?

As individuals, the fundamental misperception is that the entirety of our experience in this life is limited to our time as a drop of water, unaware of the fact that we’re a part of it all, not apart from it all. The fear, worry, anxiety, and stress that are rooted in this fundamental misperception are also the things that keep us from being (and dressing!) as genuine and authentic as possible. For fear of being perceived as an “other”. Worries of not fitting in. Stressing out about making the wrong impression. Misguided hopes of being perceived to be something that you are not because it’s “better” than who you actually are.

In the Bubu Future (and I believe in accordance with Terence McKenna’s Timewave Zero theory, too), the realization of this perspective at the “ocean-wide” level is nigh. Therefore, as Bubu Future, we are on the mission to spread awareness of this commonality, relationship, unity, and the way we are currently supporting the mission is by supplying clothes that will enable you to BE YOU. And to us, this means choosing clothes that you feel are fun to wear!

Like Terence said, the dune is shaped by the wind. Similarly, what you wear is influenced by what you’ve lived through, what you’re going through now, and where you hope to go in the future. The forces of our physical and social environments are the wind, oftentimes dictating the type of clothing we need to protect ourselves from the elements. But where the magic of free will/choice exists is in the shape, color, detail, fit, weight, and overall style of what it is you choose to adorn yourself with.

And to supply you with some bad ass options — that’s where the Bubu Future comes in.

Our selections are broad. We do more than just “vintage”. Bubu Future is proud to offer a phenomenal selection of great items, each picked for their quality, character, value, and their “Bubu-ness”.

Our hope is that we can find/grow this community of people that share the good vibe, and to be able to offer the best shopping experience for people who are sick of buying what everyone else is buying just for the sake of fitting in. We pick clothes for the individual that is on the path of knowing themselves, and wants to look the part.

We pick clothes for the Bubu Future.


General Future

Dave (aka General Future) is 1/2 of Bubu Future

He wishes he were a shaman

pushing the limits of definition


New Youtube vid is up!