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The case for Hope

We're long overdue for a collective shift in perspective. But don’t worry, it’s not something that “must be done”, as it will be done.

We're living through the flower power movement of the 60s again, but this time it’s the consciousness/awareness explosion and I just wanted to call that out.

Comedy is hot. People are opening up to the absurdity of our current situation. And they can't get enough of it, so the real sickos go so far as to pay real money just to be able to hear a few more hours of it a month. The absurdity lies in the fundamental misunderstanding/misperception of separateness. As this iteration of society has progressed, the now-dominant Western perspective has created a framework for the buying/selling of goods/services that is so efficient and far-reaching that we have effectively created a global cargo cult. One particular hallmark of this particular cult is a crippling fear of death, triggering in the unwitting cult member a persistent feeling of dread, anxiety and depression.

This fear of death stems from a hyperfixation on the individual experience, where individuals feel like they’re temporary visitors to a foreign dimension on the physical plane and that whenever their visas expire (aka DIE) that there’s nothing else. Missing the big, big picture that, while, yes — this current physical experience is finite, there is no “other” place to go. There’s no getting lost. There’s no ending up where you shouldn’t be, because there’s no end.

I believe that this “truth” is innately understood, but our attachment to our respective histories/cultures prevent us from being able to collectively “see” it. The stories of our histories have protagonists and antagonists, but what goes unmentioned is that the label you use just depends on which side of the story you’re hearing and when.

But, as always, a case for hope.

I’m hopeful that once this big picture awareness spreads, we will have enough people acting out of love instead of fear that we will be propelled into a new age of peace and loving awareness.

Like anything else, spreading the awareness of this unity-thinking is something that is done at the individual level - it’s not something that can/should be “voted in”. Each individual must reach this conclusion themselves, otherwise it just becomes a fixation as opposed to the way.

But how do we spread this awareness? Don’t worry about it.

“We encourage each to love that part of you that does not get it. You cannot wake up out of this illusion. That is not why you came here. You came here to be buffeted and pummeled by suffering and pain and limitation until finally, finally you surrender your intellect. You give up your logic and you move from head to heart. My friends, it is in the heart that the Creator is waiting for you, whole, complete and loving you with an intensity and utter compassion that is so real and so vital that there is no response but to love the Creator in return. This is not something for which you must reach. This is not something for which you can reach. You may sit in meditation for days and weeks and months and you will feel spiritual, but you will not necessarily be spiritual. For spirituality is in the being. It is in the self as you bring your self to the moment. It is in the attitude of self that, by faith alone, waits for that still, small voice, that intuition, that guidance that will tell you when to come in and what to say, that will enable you to look at a hopeless situation as far as harmonizing with another and say, “I reject the hopelessness of this situation. I will rest and wait for the rhythm to catch up.”

Once you know, you’re free. And once you’re free, you can decide how you want to live. And when people see how you live, they will know. That’s how it spreads.

And if the hundredth monkey effect is real (I believe there’s something to it!) — this new global awareness spreads like wildfire when we reach a certain critical mass, and soon we’ve got a world of people free from existential fear and living their best lives :)